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How to remove rust from stainless steel faucets?

Now some stainless steel faucets will rust after a long time, faced with this situation, we can use potato skin to remove rust spots.

Cleaning methods: 1, with the potato skin cut off the side, repeatedly scrub the surface of the stainless steel faucet, and then clean with clean water.

If you don't have potatoes you can also use daikon skin, use the same scrubbing stainless steel faucet method can also achieve the same rust removal effect!

2, you can also prepare salt and vinegar, salt and vinegar together, stir, let the salt fully diluted in the vinegar, and then heating, heating, with absorbent sponge or rag dipped in the liquid, and then put in the place where there is rust, cover for 20-30 minutes. After half an hour has passed, it is easy to remove stubborn rust by scrubbing a rough cloth with a salt and vinegar mixture.